Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sight by Rebekah Beall

I had to read this piece more than a few times to try and understand it. It starts out with a woman who works over time who is looking into the parking lot. It seems as if she is afraid to go out to the parking lot because men hide out there. I think she was hurt when she walked out to the parking lot alone one night because she walks quickly to her car with mace. Also she seems to have a problem with driving because of how careful she is at driving. Along with being alone in the parking lot she does not like being at the house alone as well. When she takes the bat and checks all the windows and doors. 
The paragraphs with the apple and the TV I noticed that they both have the phrase “This is what you do”. I think at this point she is talking to herself trying to comfort herself. Kind of like saying “this is your routine” trying not think of what she is really afraid of.
When she starts watching the TV, she starts to talk about the animals and their movements. She calls the heron a stalker and how he kills his prey. I think she is describing as her stalker in the parking lot at her work. There is two line in this paragraph that confuses me is when she says “my mother’s favorite bird” . Then it makes me think that her stalker was someone who was close to her.
The last few paragraphs made sense to me because then I knew something really did happen to her to change her lifestyle. When she was talking about the fish that had lost their eyes because they had been in caves but then when the scientist helped the fish it sprouted eyes. I think that this compares to herself because she has shut herself off like she is in a cave and by seeing that those fish got their eyes back it gives her hope. Hope that she will one day return to her old ways such as in the last line when she says “You’ve missed the whispers and the slick warm shine of the needles underfoot.” This last sentence means that she has not been outside or her old self because of what incidence happen to her. So maybe now in the end she has the courage to go back to her old more joyful lifestyle.

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