Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4th Different Magazines

1. Who is the audience for this ad?
·         I would think women who buy makeup.
·         Women who need to get out their feelings and see different opinions on different topics
·         Women in their late 20’s.

2. What adjectives would you use to describe the Web page? (initial reaction, the voice of the speaker, the colors, objects)
·         At first when the girl is in the room, it seems like she is in a 'princess' like room that has everything she wants. She has on crazy eye makeup and the lipstick is a bright pink not just a neutral color. Everything seems rich and perfect.
·         I did not really understand what this magazine was trying to do. It was very scattered. Not many colors.
·         I had no clue American Apparel was so skimpy in what their models wore. It was kind of weird because I would see these pictures of half naked women and then a picture of a grocery store would come up or a dog.

3. What is the effect of the color choice? How are text and images laid out on the page and what effect does this have?
·         Everything is black except for the lipstick or perfume. The women seemed to be flawless. The text is just black and simple except for the new lipstick which they write in the lipstick. I think it effects the audience by saying you can be a classy as this lady if you buy our product.
·         I feel like it was kind of scattered and not many colors at all. The articles went straight down so it made it easier to keep reading. The titles were a lot bigger and then it would have a little summary underneath to see if I would want to read it.
·         Everything was mainly black or a light gray except for the pictures. It made you focus a lot on the pictures. That was the biggest thing on the page. Sort of like in all the other websites.

4. What kind of information is being given? What is emphasized or downplayed?
·         That if you were this makeup you will look as good as these women. However, not every person has any blemishes or perfect skin.
·         The hot topics of women related topics are being talked about. They don’t say the other viewpoint.
·         Information about the pictures is being displayed and the different links to navigate. Basically everything else but the slideshows were being downplayed.

5.What are the goals of the page?
·         To try and sell there product by saying how you will look great and people will like you even better. You might even be famous like this one lady in the advertisement
·         To give people topics to vent or bitch about I think.
·         To say that American Apparel is really what Americans where because we have real pictures.

6. Rhetorical: How do you feel about the role of women in each ad? How would you feel if each Web site had the same commercial but featured a man instead of a woman?
·         I think it is not really how women dress every day. I think I would feel the same way.
7. Try to find a Web site or a product ad online that challenges the cliche identities both women and men in advertisements. Ads or media that show gender roles in new ways. Bring these to class with you on Monday either online or as written descriptions.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 3rd prayer

Thesis: that the responsible citizen should oppose school prayer
Premises:To permit school prayer is virtually the same as endorsing religion and It divides people by emphasizing their differences rather than their similarities

I think that the arguement is valid because I believe both of the premises are true. Especially that it divides people because of its example about Ireland. Since it is valid then that means this arguement is sound.


I feel that governor Walkers point of view is a little off. It seems as if he is doing what is right for the republicans not necessarily his people. Giving out pink slips to workers is not going to help the problem. It will only make it worse and put him in greater debt. The workers want to keep their unions and their jobs. The protests are really helping their side of the dispute.  I thought that it was interesting that the police were also for the people. Usually when I see protest on the television, it’s always very violent. However, in this protest the people were very respectful and actually did chants that said “thank you” to the policemen.
            In the Rachel Maddow show, I agreed with what she said but you could tell she was very liberal. She was totally against the Governor and everything he would say she would go against it.  Such when he said that the protests were going away, she would prove him wrong. She also interviews a senator that talks bad about the Governor saying that he is lying. Glen Beck talks about how Obama is the Anti-Christ. He talks about how the protestors are causes chaos which will lead to the end of the world. He does not even talk about what is actually going on about the unions and their budgets. This is really odd because he does not even give the details of what is happening to the people in the Wisconsin.
            I have to say Democracy Now was my favorite to listen to just because it was not bias. I finally could just get the facts and form my own opinion about the matter.
Rachel Maddow
Thesis: Governor Walker is only taking his actions because he is in debt, and he is a republican.
Evidence and Reasons: The senator said the Governor Walker was lying about his debt and it was on a liberal show.
Conclusion: Even though they have better facts than the conservatives, they still are biased and skewed to just what they believe in.
Glen Beck
Thesis: The protestors are causing the end of the world because of their chaos and they are mainly democrats.
Evidence and Reasons: He brings in a man that talks about how the world is suppose to end in the Christians world.
Conclusion: He basically thinks that the protestors are the anti- Christ.
Thesis: Governor Walker is against us because we are supposedly taking too much money.
Evidence and reasons: He wants to take away are jobs if we don’t stop protesting
Conclusion: They are not going to stop protesting because of the Governor.
Governor Walker
Thesis: I need to pass this bill to get rid of labor unions and get my money back.
Evidence and Reasons: He needs to pay his own debt so he needs more money but if they unions are taking it away he can’t pay it back.
Conclusion: He will do anything to make sure that he gets his money.
The only people that I think are valid in this argument are the protestors. If he governor takes away their jobs they will have no way to support their families. I think that is a pretty good reason to protest along with their wages. I did not really like any of the bias arguments, I liked democracy now!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Collective Bargaining

Collective Bargaining
            In the work realm, people can have many benefits however, sometimes these benefits are not fair. To keep the work force at a balance between management and unions, collective bargaining is put into place. Collective bargaining is the processes by which the unions negotiate with the management to keep their working conditions and payments to everyone’s liking    (FAU 1).
            Before present day labor unions, people worked in small work places with masters and apprentices. This type of work force is called guilds. However, as the industrial revolution progressed, labor unions started to develop tremendously.  People were needed for employment in the factories as well in mining. Whenever the work force was discriminated by age, sex, and race and along with un-healthy working conditions, the Knights of Labor stepped in to help strike back. The Knights of Labor helped fight against the unfair condition with boycotts and strikes. Even though the Knights of Labor died out, it started to increase labor movements across the nation (Knights). Unions were growing rapidly in the early 1900’s however in the late 1900’s the union started to die off.
            Although unions have less importance than they did back in the day, they still have some importance in some aspects such as in the auto industry and politics. In some auto industry’s that have agreed to pay too much to the workers which in turn have left them bankrupt. The auto industry future now lies in the hands of their workers. In politics, workers recently have wanted the Employees Free Choice Acts to pass. This will lead to the unions to have more power than their management (History).
            I think that the unions only sound crucial depending on what perspective you are looking from. In the economical perspective, when unions successfully increase minimum wage, unemployment increases because the management cannot afford the increase in labor cost. However, if one is looking at it from the point of view of the auto industry and politics, they still need unions to function. Such as the auto industry going bankrupt or the Employees Free Choice Act for politics. Other people do not like the unions because they discriminate individualism. Some people do not want the same working conditions of others because they might be working harder than their fellow employees. In my point of view, unions are good for the workers but horrible for the rest of society. The unions work together to make sure they have equal rights however, they do not look at how to keep the rest of society equal. If we keep the unions, I think we should have an equal balance between the management and the workers.
            I feel that in some ways unions are outdated because there are so many other ways to keep our rights fair at work. However, I feel that if there are bad working conditions, they would be kept under wraps if there were not unions. This makes me feel like we need unions to help keep the people safe and have equal rights.
            If I had to pick a side, I would pick to keep the unions. I think that they are important to the people of our nation. It gives us a right to speak out against unfair and unjust conditions in the workplace. I think that having unions will keep the power of the people. I feel that if we did not keep the unions the rights of the workforce would be lost. I think the unions end up being very important to society even though sometimes they hurt it.

Works Cited
"FAU - Glossary." Welcome to Florida Atlantic University. 28 Feb. 2011.
"History of Labor Unions." Shmoop: Study Guides & Teacher Resources. 01 Mar. 2011.
"Knights of Labor." Encyclopedia of Chicago. 28 Feb. 2011.
"Labor Unions in the United States | Economic History Services." EH.Net | Economic History Services. 01 Mar. 2011.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

10 Minute Writing Exercise 2/8/11

In highschool, I was in the Students Taking Action Now:Darfur club (STAND). This club was to help stop genocide wherever it my occur. It always spraked my interest because there were so many issues in the genocide that were not being taken care of. I remeber specifically not just about the genocide but the refugee camps. There was not enough supplies for the women to cook for her children such as firewood so she would have to go off the site to collect it. The men did not go with them because they would be killed but the women and children were brutally beaten and raped. Even some of the guards who were suppose to be protecting them would only help them for a sexual favor. There is now a project to help these women and children that helps them not have to leave the camp as much. The project helps raise money for solar cookers so the women do not have to leave the camp for firewood.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Farm Girl

1. She is telling us that she is different but in the end it was okay because she got a lot more out of it then her peers. People might see it differently if they worked on the farm with her comparatively to people who do not work on the farm.
2. I think the audience is her parents. The quote “Though I hated it growing up, working on the farm has taught me many lessons about life, and it has shaped me into the individual I am today” sends her parents a message saying thank you. Even though she might have hated it when she was younger, she wants to tell her parents that in the end she is more thankful for what they taught her.
3. She shows her credibility such as when she says “In school people come up to me and ask how I manage my time so well, without getting stressed out.” She is not the only one who realizes how the farm work has helped her develop as a person.
4. Her responsibility to the audience is to show how hard work really pays off. Her responsibility to her family is showing how the hard work helped her shape herself as an individual. She fulfilled those responsibilities but her time management skills.
5. People can relate to this story from all different backgrounds because of the common ground of work. Many people struggle to keep the balance of having jobs, social lives, clubs, sports, and chores. The balancing struggle and acquiring time management is how people can relate to the Midwestern farm girl.
6. Yes I can relate to her because I was always involved in many activities in high school that I had to balance out. When she started talking about everything she got involved with at school that is when it reminded me of everything I was a part of such as student council, soccer, swimming, Humanities club, Stand club, Youth group, Anchor club, and my social life. Having all of these activities plus school work to attend to, being organized was the only way to enjoy them.
7. I think it not only shows that being different is okay but it shows that if you do have the time us it wisely because some people do not have the opportunities that you have.
8. I really like the first paragraph when she starts off with the alarm and goes into how heavy her eyes are. It really shows how her mornings were on the farm.
9. She only uses the dialogue when needed so it is not just going back and forth all the time. When she goes out to the barn she tells about everyone’s different jobs and how they must work together. One person cannot get all the work done on the farm by themselves.
10. They show that they learned a lesson that they realized over a period of time about their life when they were younger. The lesson that they learned is very relatable even if you have not been in the same situation.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Purpose of Sanders

I think the purpose was to inform that we should focus on what we can do now for the world to strive for sustaiablility. The first example is when the son told his father what was bothering him. He told his father that he had no hope. I think that is what the people in our world think about the environment. That we wont be able to change it all so why do anything about it. I think the story is telling us to live and do what we can do today. Have hope that we can conquer anything.

Answer to Question to for Sanders

the exposition - The third and fourth paragraph when it talks about the rocky mountains and how they are father and son.
inciting incident - The first conflict about sleeping on the snow
rising action - In the car with the tension
climax - When son finally tells him what is wrong. How the father is always a "debbie downer"
falling action -In the car on the way back and some of when they are talking at camp
resolution - When the son asks how the fathers leg is
denouement within the story - When the father did not answer back with when he had to lug him when he was little because he did not want to remind him of that in his youth and because he was now hopeful.

One page Resonse to Question 1

Planet Earth has been ever changing since its birth. The amount of resources it has produced for human kind has always been available for us to use. Without the resources humans would not be able to live as we do today. The Earth has evolved from markings on the cave walls to typing on the computer. Just as we have evolved in being more educated about how the Earth works.
Back in history, when people became aware of all the resources that one could use, people used them greedily. Even when people realized how brutally they were treating the Earth such as pollution from the cars, not considering the architecture of buildings, and recycling, it was never put on the top priority list. However, as the Earth gets closer to running out of resources or the natural disasters become more superior, it makes the people of the world think twice of what is happening to the world. The father in the story illustrates this by feeling that the world is dark because it is going downhill.
I think at first we were not fully aware of what we were doing to our environment. As the years went on though, I feel like we tried to do what we could for the world in what we knew then. Today, I think we know a lot more than we actually do. There are so many eco friendly products that the world produces. However, all of these products tend to be too expensive for everyone to own such as a Hybrid. I would think that the government or media would be pushing the Hybrid car for all families to own because it would be a great investment for our planet. Nevertheless, we still buy the nicest BMW or even a Ferrari to look like we are rich. When I look around and see all the non eco friendly products, it infuriates me but I feel like I do not know how to fix it alone. I feel like the world has gone too far to turn back and make all the changes to help us become more sustainable. I think that it would be helpful if the government and media would help people become more aware of how to help the planet. Then maybe the world could make a difference together.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Journal #2

You start Preparing the snowball. You look over at your two besst friends as they prpare theres as well. The roads are icy and the snow is still falling asit gets darker. This car is going slow. A perfect target. Slowly slowlt coming down the road. You throw the snowball but you miss. Right after you, your friends throw their  snow balls. One misses but the other hits the back of the car. The car stops and a man gets out. Who is this man? He yells out come and confess. He was furious. He starts walking to where you are hidden. You run to the only place you know you have security: your house. You hide in the closed in back porch bathroom with your friends. Safe. You hear a knock at the door. Your mom answers after a minute.You dont know what to do. Come out? Admit to the crime? Then your dad comes out. You listen. The man is a police officer. You have to go. You come out from behind the closed door sobbing. You tell the officer you were having a snowball fight and one accidently hit the car. The officer does not believe you. You cry and say you are sorry and were scared. Your mother holds you and gives you support. Your mother tells the officer that she will take care of the situation. After pounding you with more questions he finally leaves and goes back to his car. You do not go back in the snow at night anymore that year. You feel like you have done the worst thing of your life.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

An American Childhood -- Annie Dillard

1.       Explains how she learned how to tackle in football.
2.       Explains why Annie and boys threw snowballs in the winter.
3.       Describes the scene of where they threw snowballs at cars.
4.       Describes the boys that she was with.
5.       Describes the cars and snow.
6.       Describes Annie’s ice ball.
7.       Explains how they threw the snowballs at the Buick.
8.       Describes the snowball on the window of the car.
9.       Narrates the guy getting out of his car.
10.   Describes the man who was chasing after them.
11.   Explains who split up to get away from the man.
12.   Describes the route they took to get away from the man.
13.   Explains why she needed to know how to tackle in football.
14.   Explains that no matter where the kids ran, the guy would follow.
15.   Describes where the man caught them.
16.   Describes everyone and the setting at which they finally got caught.
17.   Describes how Annie felt after running a long ways.
18.   Explains how the man is feeling about the kids.
19.   Explains what he said to the kids.
20.   Explains how the man could only chew them out.
21.   Explains how she put up a good effort to not get caught.
In the first paragraph, Annie talks about the right way to tackle a person in football. The only way to successfully tackle someone is do it passionately and with full force. That lesson that she had learned from this football experience would help her later in life.
When the man came running after the children, Annie never thought that they were going to get caught. However, when the man started to catch up to them, they knew that they were trapped.  After the man yelled at them, Annie did not focus on what he had just told her. Instead she focused on the fact that he had never given up on finding them. She compared it with her football lesson “that you have to fling yourself at what you’re doing; you have to point yourself, forget yourself, aim, dive”. Now Annie had learned that it is not only in football that you need to do everything possible to accomplish ones goal.

Calling Home -- Jean Brandt

When the characters are introduced, it is not very detailed about who they are. It mainly is just their relationship to the main character, Jean. However, as the story goes on if I character plays a bigger role it gives more detail so the story can be understandable. Such as understanding what feeling were going on with Jean when she shoplifted. I did not know much about how her and her sisters relationship until she got to the point of getting in trouble. She said that she felt more comfortable with her sister there because she always got her out of trouble. Since it is a short essay there is no time to introduce every character and all the background. I only found more detail about them when the essay needed the information.
While Jean was in jail she had one phone call to her parents to tell then the bad news. When they talked about the situation, Jean’s mother was very upset. The key part to the conversation is when Jean’s mother told her that she was disappointed in her. After the phone call, Jean was in the jail cell thinking about the conversation and all the disappointment that she brought on to her mother.
When Jean said I put the pin in my jacket, my stomach did a little flip. I had no clue that this essay was going to turn in that direction. Also, when the man said that he was going to call the police I could not believe that they were going to take a thirteen year old to jail. During the conversation with Jean’s mother it seemed as if her mother was really upset with Jean. However, when Jean’s parents arrived they thought that the police had already given her enough punishment. By not giving her any punishment it relieved Jean from some of the shame that she was putting on herself.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sight by Rebekah Beall

I had to read this piece more than a few times to try and understand it. It starts out with a woman who works over time who is looking into the parking lot. It seems as if she is afraid to go out to the parking lot because men hide out there. I think she was hurt when she walked out to the parking lot alone one night because she walks quickly to her car with mace. Also she seems to have a problem with driving because of how careful she is at driving. Along with being alone in the parking lot she does not like being at the house alone as well. When she takes the bat and checks all the windows and doors. 
The paragraphs with the apple and the TV I noticed that they both have the phrase “This is what you do”. I think at this point she is talking to herself trying to comfort herself. Kind of like saying “this is your routine” trying not think of what she is really afraid of.
When she starts watching the TV, she starts to talk about the animals and their movements. She calls the heron a stalker and how he kills his prey. I think she is describing as her stalker in the parking lot at her work. There is two line in this paragraph that confuses me is when she says “my mother’s favorite bird” . Then it makes me think that her stalker was someone who was close to her.
The last few paragraphs made sense to me because then I knew something really did happen to her to change her lifestyle. When she was talking about the fish that had lost their eyes because they had been in caves but then when the scientist helped the fish it sprouted eyes. I think that this compares to herself because she has shut herself off like she is in a cave and by seeing that those fish got their eyes back it gives her hope. Hope that she will one day return to her old ways such as in the last line when she says “You’ve missed the whispers and the slick warm shine of the needles underfoot.” This last sentence means that she has not been outside or her old self because of what incidence happen to her. So maybe now in the end she has the courage to go back to her old more joyful lifestyle.

Definition of Hope

I think the definition of hope starts in every human being. I believe that everyone feels the emotion of hope at some point. i kind of reminds me of the word wish. I'm "hoping" for this to happen or I'm "wishing" this would happen. However, the word hope seems more of a reality. Such as when I hoped I would get in to Appalachian. At first I got deferred and then I ended up getting in second semester. So during all that time I was hoping I would get into Appalachian just as I was hoping I would graduate from Appalachian. Sometimes I feel that hope makes people just think about the end result and not the journey to take to the destination. When you hope, you usually are thinking of an expectation that you want to accomplish. Just like me wanting to go to and graduate from Appalachian. I should not just think about I just need to do whatever I can to graduate but I should also experience everything along the way. However, it is my expectation of myself to reach this goal. After I reach this goal I will always hope for more.


I was a little nervous about this class at first because I thought it was going to include intense writing. I have not written a reall paper in two semesters so I was definitely scared. However, after the first class I already feel more relaxed because of the set up. I feel that I will be able to get more out of this English class than my High School English teacher. I had him for three years so it will nice to finally have a change. I am very excited to see what this class will bring. :)